EFIS Categories



Tools & Guidance

Component Description
CaLF 2007 Calculator for Low Flows for Microsoft Excel 2007 - A downloadable tool to generate the 7Q2, flow duration curve, harmonic mean, and Lyons Method streamflow to assist in the parameterization of the HEFR model. (Version 2.1)
CaLF 2003 Calculator for Low Flows for Microsoft Excel 2003 - A downloadable tool to generate the 7Q2, flow duration curve, harmonic mean, and Lyons Method streamflow to assist in the parameterization of the HEFR model. (Version 2.1)
TIFP Technical Overview Texas Instream Flow Program - Technical Overview report
Senate Bill 2 Text of the 77th Legislature's Senate Bill 2
Senate Bill 3 Text of the 80th Legislature's Senate Bill 3
Bay & Basin Groups Listing of the SB3 Bay and Basin Area Stakeholder Committees (BBASC) and Bay and Basin Expert Science Teams (BBEST) for each bay and basin system
SB3 Timeline Working timeline for Senate Bill 3 activities
Texas HIS Texas Hydrologic Information System project
Texas HIS Workshop Texas Hydrologic Information System - training workshop materials
CUAHSI HIS Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. - Hydrologic Information System project
ODM Tools Downloadable CUAHSI ODM Tools program for querying, visualizing, and analyzing ODM data, locally or via web services
HydroExcel 2007 Downloadable CUAHSI HydroExcel data access and download tool, for Microsoft Excel 2007
HydroExcel 2007 manual User's manual for CUAHSI HydroExcel data access and download tool, for Microsoft Excel 2007
HydroExcel 2003 Downloadable CUAHSI HydroExcel data access and download tool, for Microsoft Excel 2003
HydroExcel 2003 manual User's manual for CUAHSI HydroExcel data access and download tool, for Microsoft Excel 2003
HydroDesktop Downloadable CUAHSI HydroDesktop open-source mapping program for data access and download (alpha software version)
Stream classification report An Integrated Stream Classification System for Texas - UT-CRWR, 2007
Stream classification data UT-CRWR stream classification data, by subbasin
NAS study "The Science of Instream Flows: A Review of the Texas Instream Flow Program," National Reseach Council of the National Academy of Sciences
BioODM data model A prototype observations data model for aquatic biology data
Desktop methods review Review of Desk-top Methods for Establishing Environmental Flows in Texas Rivers and Streams
Texas Water Digital Library Federated water reports and data from CRWR at UT-Austin, TWRI at Texas A&M, and the Water Resources Center at Texas Tech
Texas Water Journal An online journal devoted to the timely consideration of Texas water resources management and policy issues from a multi-disciplinary perspective
Trinity R. Digital Library Prototype digital archive for the bay and basin system consisting of the Trinity and San Jacinto Rivers and Galveston Bay