CaLF 2007 |
Calculator for Low Flows for Microsoft Excel 2007 - A downloadable tool to generate the 7Q2, flow duration curve, harmonic mean, and Lyons Method streamflow to assist in the parameterization of the HEFR model. (Version 2.1)
CaLF 2003 |
Calculator for Low Flows for Microsoft Excel 2003 - A downloadable tool to generate the 7Q2, flow duration curve, harmonic mean, and Lyons Method streamflow to assist in the parameterization of the HEFR model. (Version 2.1)
TIFP Technical Overview |
Texas Instream Flow Program - Technical Overview report
Senate Bill 2 |
Text of the 77th Legislature's Senate Bill 2
Senate Bill 3 |
Text of the 80th Legislature's Senate Bill 3
Bay & Basin Groups |
Listing of the SB3 Bay and Basin Area Stakeholder Committees (BBASC) and Bay and Basin Expert Science Teams (BBEST) for each bay and basin system
SB3 Timeline |
Working timeline for Senate Bill 3 activities
Texas HIS |
Texas Hydrologic Information System project
Texas HIS Workshop
Texas Hydrologic Information System - training workshop materials
Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. - Hydrologic Information System project
ODM Tools |
Downloadable CUAHSI ODM Tools program for querying, visualizing, and analyzing ODM data, locally or via web services
HydroExcel 2007 |
Downloadable CUAHSI HydroExcel data access and download tool, for Microsoft Excel 2007
HydroExcel 2007 manual |
User's manual for CUAHSI HydroExcel data access and download tool, for Microsoft Excel 2007
HydroExcel 2003 |
Downloadable CUAHSI HydroExcel data access and download tool, for Microsoft Excel 2003
HydroExcel 2003 manual |
User's manual for CUAHSI HydroExcel data access and download tool, for Microsoft Excel 2003
HydroDesktop |
Downloadable CUAHSI HydroDesktop open-source mapping program for data access and download (alpha software version)
Stream classification report |
An Integrated Stream Classification System for Texas - UT-CRWR, 2007
Stream classification data |
UT-CRWR stream classification data, by subbasin
NAS study |
"The Science of Instream Flows: A Review of the Texas Instream Flow Program," National Reseach Council of the National Academy of Sciences
BioODM data model |
A prototype observations data model for aquatic biology data
Desktop methods review |
Review of Desk-top Methods for Establishing Environmental Flows in Texas Rivers and Streams
Texas Water Digital Library |
Federated water reports and data from CRWR at UT-Austin, TWRI at Texas A&M, and the Water Resources Center at Texas Tech
Texas Water Journal |
An online journal devoted to the timely consideration of Texas water resources management and policy issues from a multi-disciplinary perspective
Trinity R. Digital Library |
Prototype digital archive for the bay and basin system consisting of the Trinity and San Jacinto Rivers and Galveston Bay