EFIS Categories



Water Quality

Component Description
Texas Salinity Salinity data for Texas rivers, bays, and estuaries from TWDB, TPWD, and TCEQ
NWIS IID USGS National Water Information System - Instantaneous and Irregular Data (address may be used in HydroExcel program to access data)
Texas WQ Regulations TCEQ Surface Water Quality Regulations for Texas, 2000
TCEQ stream segments & TMDL data GIS data for TCEQ water quality segments, impaired waters, and completed TMDLs, as shapefiles and ESRI feature classes
Completed TMDLs Completed Total Maximum Daily Load projects in Texas, 2009
303(d) List 2008 list of impaired water bodies in Texas per Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act